Featured Artist: Raf Banzuela


Raf Banzuela an illustrator and designer based in the Philippines is Designery’s featured artist of the month of December.


He mainly uses graphite and ink to create detailed and surreal images.  He has a soft spot for minimalist and black and white designs.

A-Day-with-the-Crows-copy WRIST_a4_RafBanzuela_1055 The-Answer Photographer_in_daze

Just recently, Designery has made his works into reality and was available during the St. James Bazaar and Rockwell Bazaar.

ACP, Flask and Corkboard coasters

You may take a grab or look, first hand, of when artwork meets with innovation only in Designery’s showroom and see why he is Designery’s featured artist of the month.

Art  X  Innovation

Raf Banzuela  X  Designery

To see more of his works, you may visit his

Instagram account: @rafbanzuela

Behance account: http://behance.net/rafbanzuela